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The musician who decides to start a relationship with a handcrafted classical guitar must make sure that the instrument he takes home will be the perfect complement for his art, his talent, his creativity and his life.  In our handmade guitar building workshop, we will guide you on the different aspects that are fundamental for the decision-making process when choosing a good guitar. Choosing a handcrafted concert classical guitar: a guide It is very important that you study well the characteristics of the guitar:

Do you know how to differentiate a semi-crafted instrument from a completely handmade one? If you are considering buying a guitar, it’s very likely that you are wondering how to know if a guitar is handmade or not, and the keys that differentiate them. How to know if a guitar is handmade or not We are dealing with a very complex topic that usually awakens doubts among musicians, specially those that are taking their first steps in the world of the guitar. In

The Spanish guitar has its origins in old chordophone instruments such as the vihuela and the Moorish guitar. The evolution towards what we know today as Spanish guitar was a centuries long process, in which some outstanding milestones stand out. History of the Spanish guitar: origin Spanish guitar: origin in the inclusion of the fifth string The Moorish guitar was a popular instrument in the Iberian Peninsula kingdoms during the Middle Ages, only among the common people, outside the Court. It was a three-stringed

Even if nowadays it is one of the most universal instruments, the history of the guitar is unknown to the general public. Today we are going to summarize its origins and evolution until it became the instrument we know today, making us love it even more.  History of the guitar: origin and expansion Ancient stringed instruments, the ancestors of the classical guitar Before diving into the history of the guitar, we must travel back in time. Stringed instruments such as the harp, lyre or

Guitar woods can be very different, and its choice is key to the sound of the instrument. We will have to take into account different issues that we will see below, since they are very important factors when building a handmade guitar. As a luthier, choosing the different woods that will be a part of the instrument, is something that I’m passionate about. Whether you want me to advise you on the best types of woods, or you want me to choose

Do you know which are the construction phases of a handmade acoustic guitar and how much time this process requires? Depending on the model, it can take between two or three months of work for the luthier since it includes many precise manual tasks, but also resting times for the wood to acquire its shape. You can buy a luthier’s guitar at, made by a careful and precise manual process. In order for you to get a better understanding of how

There are different types of acoustic guitars on the market. The shape of the body, the size and the shape of the soundboard, as well as their sound, are different for each type. But, which one is the most appropriate for each person? How to choose the acoustic guitar fit for you? Here you’ll find the types of acoustic guitars there are, and some tips to choose the right instrument that will serve you as a guide. We can help you personally